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Friday, April 13, 2012

I do many things well...

Its very true. I love many things, and I do many of them well.  But if wishes were fishes, we'd all have a mansion on the hill overlooking the ocean! Our back yard would be an oasis and we could walk around barefoot in big fluffy robes while servants bring us champagne by the pool...Ahhhhhhhh. As this is reality, that is not the case. I some times consider myself a jack of all I have to try everything at least once. My craftiness has led to one rather awesome marketable idea, however being a busy mom with more on her plate than she can stomach...the business is the first thing to get put on the back burner. 
I aslo write. I have about 4 books done and umpty bagillion in the works. I participate in national novel writing month every year, and really love evidence by this blog...and its existence...and all that jazz...Now am I very good at it?? Well that remains to be seen. I have attempted to get one of those published and I ended up shattered on the publication floor so to speak. You have got to have some hard skin to go through that.  I also love to write poetry...which if I had the drive I could turn into song...and be a songwriter! Right...thats gonna happen. I am not mathematical enough to create music...or patient...lets face it! 
So writing blogs and articles to free publications is where I am now. I love to do it, and happily will, as there is plenty of wit and humor in this brain of mine to go around. Now i just have to hope my brand of humor is acceptable in the mainstream...Sometimes I think I may just be too...Odd...for the real world to actually get me, but maybe, just maybe this brand of crazy is just what the world is looking for. I am a smart woman...I'm sure I can figure out how to make a little cheese from my sarcasm.

A short introduction to the characters in this story...

SO meet Becki, me! Mother, nanny, chauffeur, maid, writer, artist, doer, thinker, creator of recycled goodies, hobby queen and all around busy lady! I'd like to tell you I do it all with minimal stress and zero meltdowns, but I cant. I am not a super mom and I am far from perfect, as evidence by my awful grammar!  My daughter Rhylee, a tween with a tude and some serious hormones to boot. A softball playin, violin learning, 5th grader who is suddenly realizing school is hard work. Tyson my geek lover, and husband who still owns original pogs people, I'm serious! And can beat any Final fantasy game in record time...yes including the side quests...I stopped playing after ff7!

In our nest we also have 3 adoring and lovable, but messy and self absorbed cats:

Tiger, Affectionately known as El Tigre the Mexican wrestler kitty, is out prowling the streets most of the day, He's my lynx point Siamese lover, and possibly a reincarnated tooth fairy due to his love of waking me up with a little tooth brushing in the mornings.

China, the princess of the house a lilac point Siamese beauty with a white diamond on her head will be my husbands alarm clock, and make sure shes center of attention if you are not already loving her. She loves snuggling on fluffy blankets and playing in the bathroom sink!  And she takes offense to you being on your cell phone in her presence! 

Pretty kitty, my old lady cat...Also a Siamese lilac point hides away until all the kids are taking a nap or at school...shes the most antisocial, anti- other cat, cat i have ever known. She is not selective she hates everyone equally. She loves your chicken burrito, so be kitty stealz your foodz!! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I've decided that I needed to start a blog that may just encompass everything about life. The trials and tribulations, the pitfalls and possibilities. And the epic, sometimes funny situations life can throw at us. Like when you catch the cat doing something like, dancing to dubstep...or your tweenaged daughter dancing to LMFAO and you know how wrong it is but you cant help but laugh. Stuff like that...Its better to roll on the floor laughing my ace off, than sit on the floor licking frosting like a diabetic off her insulin...Or...more appropriate, and probably tasteful...a drowning man to water. But I digress.

More to come...