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Friday, July 6, 2012


Music has got to be the most beautiful thing to me. I listen to something anything really and the song takes up residence in my memory, and from there my imagination takes it to new places. It can make you cry, It can make you sing, It can make you scream, or it can make you dance. Music has powers like nothing else. When I write and words just flow from me music is there. When the tears finally break through my barriers, music is usually the cause. I love all music too. Anything with a beat. Anything with a message, or a heart-wrenching solo. It can be instrumental, hardcore or soft.

Music, with its mathematical beats and rhythms has been linked to better brain function in children. It opens us up to so much. Music can hold on to memories in your mind years after you have forgotten them. Cultures as old as time have used music in this way. In the early years it was said that when the Greeks created the "C" note it was revered as a blessing from the gods. Only great kings and queens were allowed to partake of its beauty. It was said to cleanse the mind. More notes were created, and songs were created. Voices rose up with the chords, and the joy could not be contained. Man was meant to have music.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Been a minute since I posted something here. I started working, and life just got away from me. I enjoy my job, I really do. But I miss my life. I have been a stay at home mom for such a long time, this is such a big change for me, and my family. It seems like chaos reigns supreme around here. My 11 year old is having some separation anxieties as its summer and she doesn't have school to occupy her mind. I miss being there for her. It also plays hell on my sanity. I realize slowly that I so am not the super mom I thought I was. The dishes seem to linger in the sink longer, the laundry piles seem to get higher, and the baskets take longer to be put away. Everything slips I feel like my web is unraveling and eventually my world will fall apart.

I miss being creative, sitting down and being able to just make something from nothing. I miss writing, while I have been editing a book, the process feels more stressful than before. My characters are grumpy, and my stress begins to affect how they interact with one another. Not to mention, I am so stalled on this one. THe book is complete, in that it has a beginning and an end, however it is short, and not fleshy enough for me. I am also changing tense and POV. Its a very big job, and there is a step that needs to be taken a bridge to a gap that i cant seem to build. My characters are angry with one another, for no reason. Its a very fragile beginning to their "relationship" that I fear any misstep will cause this story to fall.

Most of all, I miss my freedom. I know that I sound quite spoiled, even to myself. I am always seeking a way to make it without being tethered to a job. In this I feel like i have given in too easily. I have let my fear of failure affect my choices. Hell, I have let past unsuccessful ventures shape my future. I see what I have done, I see that I am the one who has put me here. My mind screams at me as I sit all day, at a desk, its inactivity stagnating any creativity I thought I had. I am stifled, like a flame with no oxygen. I am part of the flock, traded my black coat in for a white one, waiting for the day the man comes to take my pristine coat. BAAHAHAHAHA!