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Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Journey Begins...Today...Probably

I dont know why today is so important for me, but today is the day. 

I wake up today feeling its time for a change, time for something better, time for my dreams to become reality. What are my dreams you ask? Well, like anyone I have many health, wealth and happiness...and all the stuff in between. 

I have been writing something or another since I was 6 or 7. My mother can tell you stories about the time I busted in on her in the shower to sing a song I wrote to her, or the many poems and plays I recited for her. I feel that writing is just something that is as big of a part of me as breathing, or eating. Sometimes we have our differences, but writing has always served as an outlet for me. 

I have been doing National Novel Writing month for a few years now. For those of you who don't know what that is, which I realize is the vast majority; and don't fret...I was once out of the loop as well. National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short (even shorter for those of us battling it out Nano) is 30 days of literary abandon. An excursion into the madness that can be a writers mind. As the name suggests, we challenge ourselves as writers  to write a a month...Or at least 50,000 words of one. 

Sound impossible you say? It is a challenge and thats what makes it such an amazing event. They have also branched out to create summer challenges as well known as Camp NaNoWriMo. Do we really write around a campfire and share ghost stories? No. BUT we do engage in our own goals, and challenge ourselves to be better as writers. Reaching that coveted 50k looks like a big challenge, but its really only 1667 words per day...I think most of us type more than that on our Facey Spaces and Twitter plus updates. 

So why Is all of this important? Why is today so special? What is the reason for this long blog post? I will tell you. Today is the day I begin my publishing journey...again. Yes I have been down this road, queries, manuscripts, 50 pages, refusal letters, the works...I learned a lot from my first foray into the publishing world, but I also lost my bravery. Today Im takin it back! First step...Well my April and July Camp Nano novels are, for lack of a better phrase, a hot mess.  These novels are rougher than rough drafts and have more squiggly lines than a 2 year olds art project. BUT, they are diamonds in the rough drafts. I have already written two novels in the series during Camp Nano, and I am certain I have material for at least 8 if not more. 

Aside from reading, rereading...and rereading again. I will be stripping it to the bare bones of the plot, rearranging its ups and downs, getting the flow of it just right. There will be beta reading, networking, editor sessions, tears, heartache...and yes probably some late night binge eating while staring at the computer screen thinking, "What the hell was I trying to write here?" . In the midst of all this, I will also attempt to write that perfect, agent catching query letter. That elusive beast that has more restrictions than liberties. 250 words to grab the eye of the literary world. I am ready for this journey...More than that. Im ready to see my name on the cover of my first published novel. Hard bound and beautiful! 

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